Berkeley Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)
비용 (24-25 기준)
Graduates - $3221
Spouse/Domestic Partner - $3221
1 Child - $3221
2+ Children - $6294
해당 학기에 등록하는 학생의 경우 자동으로 SHIP에 신청이 되므로 waive를 희망할 경우 waiver 기간에 신청해야 합니다.
GSI를 하는 경우 SHIP 커버가 되기 때문에 Waiver 할 필요가 없습니다.
Tang Center
University Health Services, Tang Center
2222 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
Urgent Care: Free drop-off parking (30 minutes) is provided at the Tang Center Urgent Care entrance, off Durant Avenue, for Urgent Care visits only.
Public Parking for Visitors: Metered street parking is located on Bancroft Way and Durant Avenue.
Public Parking Lots: Durant Avenue between Telegraph Avenue and Dana Street (two blocks east of the Tang Center)
Holders of campus C, F, or S permits: Use the Ellsworth parking structure at Ellsworth Street and Channing Way.
Holders of campus C, F, or M permits: Use the Recreational Sports Facility lot on Bancroft at Ellsworth (located across the street from the Tang Center)